Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Daily Post

 Neuropathies (central, autonomic and peripheral)- chronic heels, Urinary bladder, GI
 GI- altered elimination, slowed GI motility, constipation, upset stomach
 GU- altered voiding, neuro-bladder holding urine
 Muscular- weak fine motor strength, poor general endurance
 Immune- slight viral illness shared with my children (upset stomach, malaise, headache)
 Cardiac- no problems
 Respiratory- no problems
 Psychiatric- poor word recall, decreased ability to complete complex thought process, decreased ability to multi-task, unable to recall common knowledge, easily irritated, easily emotional
 Sensory- easily over sensitive to sensory input of environmental surroundings (noise, smell, visuals, things touching me)
 Pain/Comfort- mild headache, mild upset stomach, intermittent sharp, shooting right lower leg pain
 Sleep/Rest- poor night sleep, asleep at 10pm & up @ 4am, busy day teaching Certified Medicine Aide Program, stressful evening
 Self-Propelled Disease Management:
-maintain appropriate carbohydrate intake
-two part-time jobs is too much... decided not to teach this course again... feeling over-exerted between working 5days/week and managing family challenges...scheduled to work for the hospital tomorrow, concerned...

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