Friday, November 12, 2010

Daily Post

 Neuropathies (central, autonomic and peripheral)- heels, feet, legs, hands
 GI- ok
 GU- Macrobid Rx for UTI... last dose taken at 11pm last night...caused AIP trigger
 Muscular- weak, pain all extremities, a lot of "twitching" and jumping
 Immune- UTI
 Cardiac- ok
 Respiratory- ok
 Psychiatric- physically unwell, emotionally frail, stressed
 Sensory- eyes sensitive to light, sensitive to sensory stimuli
 Pain/Comfort- significant nausea, headache, pain all extremities, mild UTI pain
 Sleep/Rest- poor sleep x2 nights... rested yesterday
 Self-Propelled Disease Management:
- good nutrition
- AIP triggered by Macrobid worse each day taken...stopped with last dose at 11pm last night

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