Monday, December 19, 2011

The "Book"

This Blog is a "Warehouse" storing my thoughts and experiences related to "Living with AIP".
Then to turn my Blog into a Book...
As time has passed it has become really really hard for me to try to pull it all together. I feel eroded from the inside out.
Editing, formatting, publishing and marketing a book feels like mission impossible with my current challenges.
My nervous system has taken a serious hit from the chemical corrosive nature that chronically Active AIP creates. After trying to "push through it" and battling with denial... I am learning to accept that I have to respect my limitations... and try hard to make the most of better days.
Finishing a well written book that will help others navigate their rare disease is still my personal goal!!

I think that I need to consider re-investing in regular Blog Writing...
Because it is therapeutic... it is good for me.

My family is as supportive as they know how to be... but writing allows me to vent and sort my thoughts in a calmer... more organized... less dramatic... more healthy fashion.

Since October 2011 I have reached out to "Modern Medicine" in hopes that they could help me feel better... I had done that multiple times in my life with statistically poor help to stress benefit. This time has turned out to be little different... now what???

More Spirituality...
More Alternative and Cognitive/Mental Therapies...
Daily Vegetable & Fruit Juicing???

I am tired out...
but soldiering on in hopes of learning to dance well with my health situation.

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