On December 20Th 2010 I changed gears and decided that I needed to help educate physicians about Acute Porphyria...
This is the letter I wrote and distributed to all 40 Emergency Room Doctors, Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners at my Regional Hospital...
Dear Fellow Health Care Provider,
Due to personal experience with Acute Porphyria, I feel a strong motivation to improve Porphyria awareness; therefore improving the quality of life for those touched by it. Please read the attached information and complete the online CEU (http://medscapecme.com/case/acuteporphyrias)(allow about 30 minutes).
I have also put together a more comprehensive information packet and will leave it with the Medical Secretary if you are interested in reading it.
Thank you in advance for your professional investment.
Best Wishes~
T. Suzanne Jaynes RN,BSN
Emergency Department Care Coordinator
Each Health Care Provider (HCP) received a cover letter and pre-printed education materials from the American Porphyria Foundation.
Unfortunately, I have not received any feedback to date.
My next intention is to create similar packets for other HCPs in the community.
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