I have been "spinning my wheels...stuck in a muddy rut" for the past two days.
Recently my health went from a great stretch of feeling well... to a furocious urinary tract infection (UTI) that required an antibiotic to treat... the antibiotic triggered my Acute Porphyria (AIP) and irritated my Auto-Immune Thyroiditis (HAIT)... Then, my father's doctor tells him he has weeks before he leaves this world...
My physical self is miserable...
My mental status vacilates between anger, feeling overwhelmingly distraught and raw sadness...
I have not been fit to interact with man or beast due to my negative demeanor.
The daybed in my den is where I've been...in seclusion...sorting my thoughts...and resting.
Life is really hard sometimes.
Today I forced myself to be proactive...
I got myself together and met a friend for a nice lunch...
I priced weekly tanning bed sessions to decrease the impact that lack of sunshine has on my mental health (prone to Seasonal Affective Disorder)...
I stopped taking the anitibiotic that is triggering my AIP and HAIT...
I called my doctor to let her know what is going on...
I doubled my cranberry capsule intake...
I took extra vitamin C...
I took a short nap...
I prayed for my father.
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